VFX artist Yoshiki Adachi talked about a finer point that is easily missed in the game – Resident Evil 2 is the first game in the industry to have realistic 2D particle physics, which was used for the trail of bubbles Leon would make while walking in the sewers.
However, they decided to challenge themselves with presenting how it would look using the power of modern hardware.
Background artist Yoshitsugu Tanaka talked about how the team experimented a lot with the research facility section of the game, and said that the facility wasn’t actually ‘ Resident Evil’-like, as it looked too shiny and new.
Sound director Nakashima also talked about how they paid attention to voices, and how loud and stressed Leon and Clair would sound depended on their distance from the source of danger.
A lot of focus was put on making the game’s audio surround sound, even utilizing Capcom’s own developed technology.
After Resident Evil 2 producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi revealed that the developers were secretly recorded discussing development details during the afterparty, he went on to introduce Round 2 – answering questions based on topics that were picked from a signboard.